1. Researchers who hold a valid residence permit issued by a first Member State shall be entitled to stay in order to carry out part of their research in any research organization in Cyprus for a period of up to 180 days in any 360-day period per Member State, subject to the conditions laid down in the law.

2. The research organization in the first Member State has to notify the competent authorities of the first Member State and the competent authority in Cyprus, which is the Migration Department, of the intention of the researcher to carry out part of the research in the research organization in Cyprus. In such cases the notification takes place either:

(a)at the time of the application in the first Member State, where the mobility to the Republic of Cyprus is already envisaged at that stage; or 
(b)  after the researcher was admitted to the first Member State, as soon as the intended mobility to Cyprus is known.
Where the notification has taken place in accordance with point (a) of paragraph 2, and where Cyprus has not raised any objection with the first Member State, the mobility of the researcher to Cyprus may take place at any moment within the period of validity of the residence permit.

Where the notification has taken place in accordance with point (b) of paragraph 2, the mobility may be initiated after the notification to Cyprus immediately or at any moment thereafter within the period of validity of the residence permit.

3. The notification shall include the valid travel document and the valid residence permit issued by the first Member State covering the period of the mobility.

4. The notification has to include the transmission of the following documents and information:

(a) the hosting agreement in the first Member State and a hosting agreement concluded with the research organization in Cyprus;    
(b) where not specified in the hosting agreement, the planned duration and dates of the mobility;
(c) evidence that the student has health insurance for all the risks normally covered for Cypriot nationals;  
(d) evidence that during the stay the researcher will have sufficient resources to cover subsistence costs without having recourse to the social assistance system of Cyprus, as well as the travel costs to the first Member State.

All supporting documents and information shall be submitted in Greek or English language.   

5. Based on the notification referred to in paragraph 2 Cyprus may object to the mobility of the researcher to its territory within 30 days from having received the complete notification, where the conditions set out in the law are not complied or one of the grounds for rejection set out in the law applies or the maximum duration of stay has been reached.

6. Researchers,  who are considered to pose a threat to public policy, public security or public health shall not be allowed to enter or to stay on the territory of Cyprus as a second member state.

7. The Migration Department shall, without delay, inform the competent authorities of the First Member State and the research organization in the First Member State, in writing about its objection to the mobility. Where there is an objection to the mobility and the mobility has not yet taken place, the researcher shall not be allowed to carry out part of the research in the research organization in Cyprus. Where the mobility has already taken place, the Migration Department may ask the researcher and, where applicable, his family members, to stop any activity and leave the country.