Pilot Implementation
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The Pilot Study has the following objectives:
Promote know-how and experiences in Public and Local Authorities regarding the implementation of the system and interpretation of results
Identify and rectify problems and shortcomings of the indicator system
Produce guidelines for the collection, processing and entry of data
Produce information about the state of indicators at a selected area of Nicosia
The Pilot Area consists of 7 environmental areas in Strovolos Municipality. The Municipality is located at the southern sections on the Nicosia Urban Area. With a population of ??? it is one of the biggest municipalities in Cyprus. The area was selected based on the following criteria:
The size of the study area is sufficient to produce meaningful results.
The study area includes land uses with the exception of Tourist zones such that most planning policies and targets are applicable. The area includes a town center, residential, commercial and industrial zones and also a peripheral commercial axis.
Availability of data is a key issue due to the limited time and resources available to the project. Minimum requirements for data availability are satisfied in the selected area, including the following:
Population and demographic data
Land use, town planning zoning, road and cadastral maps
Updated building permits data
At least one major road axis
Significant Commercial and office development
An old town centre
Also the following are available
Topographic maps in electronic form
Environmentally sensitive areas
New residential or commercial areas (not fully developed areas)
Deliverables include Indicator evaluation results in Tabular and Map formats, methodology sheets for the evaluation of indicators and a report on future action requirements.