The European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior, as the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds for the 2021-2027 Programming Period, has published a Call for Proposals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Programme and in accordance with the objectives stated in article 3 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1147 of the European Parliament and the Council of 7th July 2021 establishing the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
The Call for Proposals was published on December 8, 2023 and concerns the funding of projects under Specific Objectives 1 “Common European Asylum System” and 2 “Legal migration and integration”.
Specific Objective 1 aims in “strengthening and developing all aspects of the Common European Asylum System, including its external dimension” and Specific Objective 2 aims in “strengthening and developing legal migration to the member-states, according to their financial and social needs, and promoting and facilitating effective integration and social inclusion of third-country nationals”.
In particular, the Call concerns the following projects:
• Accommodation Centre for Unaccompanied Minors Third Country Nationals
• Accommodation Centre for Vulnerable Applicants for International Protection
• Greek language courses for Minors Third Country Nationals
• Greek language courses for Adults Third Country Nationals
• Migrant Info- Centres.
The projects shall be implemented at easily accessible locations on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, mainly in urban centres. The Call specifies the geographical range within which each project may be implemented.
The total amount of funding that will be granted through the Call for Proposals is €3,560,000. The Call specifies the available budget for each project.
The Call was published in Part B of the Government Gazette on December 8, 2023, while the annexes of the Call are posted below.
Call no. ΥΕ/ΔΑ/ΤΑΜΕ/01_2023
Annex 1 - Proposal Submission Form 2021-2027
Annex 2 - Guide for Completing the Proposal Submission Form 2021-2027
Annex 3 - Additional information on the Call REVISED
Annex 5 - Grand Agreement AMIF 2021-2027 - Revised (2)
Annex 6 - Publicity and Communication Guide
Annex 7 - Eligibility Rules
Annex 8 - Project Cost Breakdown Table
Annex 9 - List of Attached Documents
Annex 10 - Declaration Form of Ultimate Beneficial Owners
Annex 11 - Bank Guarantee
Annex 12 - Faithful Performance Guarantee
Annex 13 - Expression of Interest Form
Questions and answers
Available only in Greek.
Watch the video for the Call of Proposals.
Information: efu@moi.gov.cy
Annexes - Call of Proposals ΥΕ ΔΑ ΤΑΜΕ 01_2023.zip