European Funds Unit

To date, there have been six Monitoring Committees of the Internal Security Fund within the framework of the programming period 2014-2020.

Officers of the Responsible Authority present to each Committee the evolution of the National Programme of the Fund achieved at that point, as well as horizontal issues such as the Monitoring and Control System (1st Monitoring Committee), the publicity and information actions of the Responsible Authority (2nd Monitoring Committee), the actions implemented under the Technical Assistance and other horizontal issues.

Moreover, an officer of the Directorate General of European Programmes, Coordination and Development presents complementarity and consistency issues between the EU Funds at a national level.

Finally, some Final Beneficiaries usually present the implemented projects co-funded by the Fund.

It is noted that, in addition to the Final Beneficiaries and other competent bodies, a representative of the Directorate-General for Immigration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG Migration and Home Affairs) participates in the work of the Monitoring Committees.

The agenda, the welcome speeches and the presentations of the Monitoring Committees that have taken place to date are attached below.

Proceedings of the 1st ISF Monitoring Committee - EL
Proceedings of the 2nd ISF Monitoring Committee - EL
Proceedings of the 3rd ISF Monitoring Committee - EL
Proceedings of the 4th ISF Monitoring Committee - EL
Proceedings of the 5th ISF Monitoring Committee - EL
Proceedings of the 6th ISF Monitoring Committee - EL