European Funds Directorate

Honourable Mr Minister of Interior,

Honourable Deputy Minister of Migration and International Protection,

Dear Mr Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior,

Dear Mr Permanent Secretary of the Deputy Ministry of Migration and International Protection,

Dear Director of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission,

Dear European Commission representatives,

Dear members of the Monitoring Committee,

Dear partners,

I would like to welcome you at the Third Meeting of the Monitoring Committees of the Home Affairs Funds for 2021-2027, which are an important institutional tool to monitor the course of implementation of the Programmes of the Home Affairs Funds.

I would like to welcome especially the Deputy Minister of Migration and International Protection, as well as the Permanent Secretary of the Deputy Ministry, as it is the first time they participate in the works of the Monitoring Committee, and to thank them for accepting this invitation.

Considering the challenges arising on a daily basis in relation to the matter of effectively managing migration flows that Cyprus has always faced, it is undoubtable that the Deputy Ministry of Migration has assumed an important and demanding role. As the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds, the European Funds Directorate declare its preparedness and willingness to apply the appropriate synergies wherever required, with the aim to facilitate and promote the work of the Deputy Ministry of Migration and International Protection.

I would also like to welcome Ms Silvia Michelini, Director of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, who is connected with us online, as well as Messrs Lope Gallego and Panayiotis Samatas, whom we are glad to have with us here as representatives of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission.

The support, guidance and assistance provided by the European Commission during the implementation of the Programmes and projects under the responsibility of the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds of the Republic of Cyprus are of pivotal importance and crucial for the achievement of the milestones and objectives set for each new Programming Period.

I could not fail to express my gratefulness, particularly to the Minister of Interior and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry who are together with us, and to highlight the actual assistance provided by the competent Ministry whenever necessary, so that the Managing Authority is in a position to carry out its responsibilities uninterruptedly and effectively.

Today is a special and remarkable day for us as the Managing Authority. We are happy to be here with you to present on one hand the end of the programming period and on the other hand its developments. We have every reason to be satisfied, taking into consideration the information and results we will present to you.

This is primarily due to the professionalism and effectiveness of the personnel of the Managing Authority, to whom I must give credit; an expert and strong team with conscientiousness that is rarely found on a team level. However, without our partners, we would not be today in this pleasant position and this is why I have to thank them for their punctuality and interest demonstrated.

The 2014-2020 Programming Period was implemented in a period of exceptional and adverse conditions, when unpredictable developments occurred, such as massive migration flows which made Cyprus the Member State with the largest migration pressures. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic brought its own unexpected consequences and adversities for the implementation of the co-financed projects. Despite the difficulties, the objectives set for the 2014-2020 Programming Period were fully achieved and we are ready to submit the final results within the next month.

During the first part of the works of this day, a detailed presentation will be made about the results of the use of European resources from all three Funds in projects implemented during the 2014-2020 Programming Period.

In the second part of the meeting, the implementation progress of the Programmes of the 2021-2027 Programming Period will be presented. Among others, reference will be made to the total amount obtained to date within the framework of each Programme and in the projects implemented.

It is highlighted that an important increase to the amounts available for the Republic of Cyprus under the Funds is expected in 2025 within the framework of the Programming Period. I have the pleasure to mention that on the one hand the Managing Authority has ensured the achievement of its interim financial targets for all three Funds and on the other hand more funds are expected for the implementation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

With reference to the additional financing, I could not omit to mention the largest project under implementation – both as a deliverable and in terms of Budget – which is pertinent to the “Construction of a Reception and Pre-removal Centre in the area of “Limnes” in the District of Larnaca”.

This is a project which was selected through a tender process for financing by the European Commission, within the framework of the Call for Proposals of the Thematic Facility of the Asylum, Migration Fund for Member States facing migration pressures.

The amount of financing from European resources reached €67.7 million and by adding national resources, the total amount of the Grant Agreement reached €75.2 million in total.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the reception, asylum and return system of the Republic of Cyprus.

Taking into consideration the size and importance of the said project, the following video was prepared to display the progress of the construction works which started in January 2024 and continue to date.

Before concluding my address, I shall mention that within the context of the smooth planning and operation of the Ministry of Interior and based on the new Organisational Chart of our Ministry, the European Funds Unit has been upgraded into a Directorate, and therefore our Service has been renamed into European Funds Directorate. On this occasion, I would like to present our new logo.

I would like to thank you all again for being here, and subsequently I would like to give the floor to the Honourable Minister of Interior.