On 25 July 2024, the Grant Agreement was signed between the European Funds Unit, as the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds, and the Center for Social Innovation Ltd (CSI) and the Ministry of Education – State Institutes of Further Education (SIFE) – as the Beneficiary and the Partner in the project respectively, to finance the project titled “Greek Language Courses for Adult Third Country Nationals”.
The project is pertinent to the development of groups to learn English and obtain a Greek-language certificate, aiming to strengthen the integration process of adult Third-Country Nationals in society and the job market.
The project is implemented within the framework of the 2021-2027 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Cyprus, with a total budget of €279,941.18.
The project period of implementation is from 01.07.2024 to 31.12.2025.

Grant Agreement signature between the European Funds Unit, and the Center for Social Innovation Ltd (CSI) and the Ministry of Education – State Institutes of Further Education (SIFE) – as the Beneficiary and the Partner in the project respectively, for co-financing the project titled “Greek Language Lessons to Adult Third-Country Nationals”.