|  | 2 Dear Nicholas (Deputy Minister of Migration and International Protection),
European Commission Representatives,
President, members and observers of the Monitoring Committees of the Home Affairs Funds,
Dear guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you at the 3rd meeting of the Monitoring Committees of the Home Affairs Funds for the 2021-2027 Programming Period. The responsibility of the Monitoring Committees is important and remarkable at the same time, given the pivotal importance of the monitoring of the course of implementation of the Programmes of the Funds, as well as the design, implementation and planning of the management and use of the resources made available to the Republic of Cyprus by the Home Affairs Funds for the 2021-2027 Programming Period.
Through the implementation of the strategic plan, the European Funds Directorate of the Ministry of Interior implements the European and government policies, as determined through the Programmes, based on the decisions taken at a European and national level. At the same time, the maximum possible absorption of funds available by the European Commission to the Republic of Cyprus is the main pillar of the Directorate’s work.
Within the context of the 2014-2020 Programming Period and during the implementation of the National Programmes of the Home Affairs Funds, 162 projects were implemented, with a total cost of €110.5 million from European and national resources. In addition, additional funds were obtained directly from the European Commission, resulting in a total cost for project implementation of €120.7 million from European and national resources.
Regarding the 2021-2027 Programming Period, to date, the award of a total of €188.3 million to the Republic of Cyprus has been approved by the European Commission, which is an amount increased by more than 50% in relation to the previous programming period. Similarly, in 2025, this amount is expected to increase further. By adding national financing, the total amount for the 2021-2027 Programming Period has already reached €229 million.
Furthermore, the European Commission approved directly additional funds of €82 million for the implementation of projects related to the effective management of migration.
In total, for the 2021-2027 Programming Period, €331 million have been approved for the Republic of Cyprus.
Within the context of implementing the actions of the current programming period, the implementation of 66 projects has started, and an amount of EU funds higher than €140 million has been obtained.
Ladies and gentlemen,
By using its long experience and expertise, the European Funds Directorate has the responsibility of additional duties, such as, among others, to sign the Grant Agreement directly with the European Commission, aiming to implement the ambitious project of the construction of the “Limnes” Reception and Pre-removal Centre at Mennoyia, to which the Director of the European Funds made previously an extensive reference, as well as the coordination for the preparation of the National Action Plan of the Republic of Cyprus for the implementation of the European Union Pact on Migration and Asylum.
For this reason, today I am given the opportunity to congratulate the Director and Officers of the European Funds Directorate for their dedication and continuous effort to ensure that the Republic of Cyprus effectively and efficiently uses the financial opportunities offered by the European Union to respond to great challenges, such as migration and security.
Furthermore, I would like to thank all the competent Ministries and institutions for the collaboration and uninterrupted effort to complete the projects for which they are responsible, so that the Republic of Cyprus is able to achieve the targets and policies it has set.
To conclude, on behalf of the Government, I would like to sincerely thank the European Commission for the continuous support to the Republic of Cyprus, which results in the successful promotion of policies meeting the needs of Cyprus on a national and European level.
I wish success during the work of this meeting.
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