The ARTION project will build upon knowledge of the consortium partners to deliver 4 strategic pillars that drive its specific objectives:
1. the Research and Innovation Pillar to develop new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for disaster management,
2. the Quantifiable Field Exercises pillar to collect data for training of algorithms and evaluation,
3. the Training and networking pillar to conduct online modules for knowledge sharing and establishment of new partnerships between relevant actors interest in the specific topics, and
4. the Open Knowledge pillar to promote AI for disaster management by providing open datasets for use by the scientific community, support reproducible results and benchmarks for AI tools, and finally to raise the ARTION visibility
ARTION project aims to bridge the gap between AI scientist and disaster management experts, build capacity and competency of first responders in the use of AI technology, share knowledge and data, and stimulate further AI research towards application-specific challenges faced throughout the disaster management cycle.