Republic of Cyprus
Asylum Service

Kofinou Reception and Accommodation Center for Applications for Internationl Protection

Kofinou Reception and Accomodation Center for Applicants for International Protection

The Reception and Accomodation Center for Applicants for International Protection is located in the Community of Kofinou, in the province of Larnaca.
It first operated in 2004. It is a Hospitality Center for applicants for international protection, to which mainly applicants who are released from the “Pournara” are referred.

At the Center, families with children and single individuals (men & women) are accommodated with the aim of a accommodation maximum duration of 6 months. It is an open-type Center and therefore the residents have the right to free movement. Various services are provided to the guests at the Center, such as catering, psychosocial support, medical and nursing services, formal and informal learning, social activities, and others. Since 2021, upgrading and expansion projects have started at the Center for a capacity from 400 to 750 beds.

The Project is expected to be completed in 2024 and is co-financed (75%) by the Asylum, Migration, Integration Fund of the European Commission and the support of the EUAA (European Union Agency for Asylum).

Contact Phones:
(+357) 24323480 - for 24-hour service
(+357) 99855997 - from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

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