European Funds Directorate

On 19th December 2024, a Grant Agreement was signed between the European Funds Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, as the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds, and the Cyprus Police, as the Beneficiary, to co-finance the project titled “Crime prevention and combating trafficking in persons”.

The main project objectives are:
- to enhance the operational capabilities of the Office of Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (CTHB) to effectively prevent and combat crime and trafficking in persons in particular;

- to enhance the capabilities of the members of the Crime Prevention Office (CPO) and the Community Policing to effectively prevent crime;

- to enhance the capabilities of the members serving at the CTHB in the identification of victims of trafficking in persons and their correct and appropriate management;

- information and awareness actions on the subject of the prevention, combating and sensitization of the public regarding trafficking in persons, crime, terrorism, radicalization and petty crime.

The project is implemented within the context of the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and it is co-funded by the European Union, with a total budget of €268,776.51.
Project implementation period: 01/10/2024 - 31/12/2027.