European Migration Network National Contact Point Cyprus

EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary
The European Migration Network Asylum and Migration Glossary (EMN Glossary ) is an essential tool of improving comparability between EU member States through the use and common understanding of terms and definitions commonly encountered in the context of migration and asylum. The glossary offers an EU-wide multidisciplinary vocabulary of approximately 500 terms and concepts, with terms translated into more than 20 languages.

Negotiate migration policy and see the impacts of your decisions
The educational tool "Destination Europe" was created through the close cooperation of representatives of the National Contact Points (NCP) of the European Migration Network. Through hypothetical scenarios that support the development and use of rhetoric skills, the aim of the tool is to raise students' awareness of migration issues, the fight against discrimination / racism and the importance of integrating migrants into society.
Based on role-play, it is an interactive learning and training tool that engages students on a fruitful discussion and learning about some of the most topical issues in today’s Europe. Taking into consideration that migration and integration issues are specific to each country based on its geography, economy, history and politics, the tool has been created in two regional editions notably the Northern, western and southern EU edition and the Central and eastern EU one. The tool is provided to the interested parties by its legal owner the EMN NCP Luxembourg, and is available for downloading online via the website created for this purpose. You can find more info about the tool as well as the downloadable versions here. Currently the tool is only available in English. Soon it will also be available in other EU languages including Greek.

Study on best practices in irregular migration awareness campaigns
Final Report
The Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) commissioned Seefar, togther with it’s consortium partner Ecorys, to conduct this two-phase study to address existing evidence gaps in the field of information and awareness raising campaigns. The study presents best practices from 20 existing campaigns, and seeks to highlight ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of future campaigns. This final report presents the cumulative results of the two phases of this study. First, the report presents key findings on research and design, delivery and working methods, and monitoring and evaluation methods. Second, the key findings are followed by recommendations. Finally, the recommendations are complemented with a ‘toolkit’ to help implementers and donors resolve the most common issues uncovered. Click here for more information and to download the study.

1EMN Leaflet
1European Labour Authority (ELA)- Overview of national measures regarding employment and social security of displaced persons coming from Ukraine- Country Fiche- Cyprus June 2022