European Migration Network National Contact Point Cyprus

EMN Information and Awareness Raising Campaigns Working Group (EMN INFO WG)

The EMN INFO WG supports knowledge exchange and promotes a structured coordination between EU Member States, EU bodies and relevant external experts such as international organisations, e.g. UNHCR or IOM. The aim of the Group is to raise awareness and provide objective migration and asylum policies information in the EU, in the view of preventing migrant smuggling.

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Working Group (EMN ARM WG)

The ΕΜΝ Working Group for the Annual Report on Migration and Asylum, is missioned to work on improvements and revision of the report’s template and content that is issued every year and includes all important developments in the field of migration and asylum succeeded in all Member States.

Ad-hoc Query Working Group (EMN AHQ WG)

The EMN Ad-Hoc query Working Group, works closely on the improvement of the use of ad-hoc queries as a comparative research tool. The National Contact Points of Member States shall design a query that responds to a certain topic of concern, in order to collect specific information from other Member States. The AHQs are also a tool to be used for the development of informs on certain topics. The group works closely on the launching of AHQs as well as the summaries of the inputs gathered from the NCPs’ contribution.

Statistics Working Group ( EMN SWG)

The EMN Statistics Working Group works on the improvement of statistics extracted in regard to migration and asylum and destined to be used in EMN studies, reports and other outputs.

Communication and Dissemination Working Group (EMN CDWG)

The EMN Communication and Dissemination Working Group focuses its strategy on the visibility of the EMN through social media and other online tools. As the visibility of the network is of vital interest, the Working Group is in close cooperation with member states on the development of national communication plans that can foster the presence of the network on a local yet an EU level. Additionally, the working group focuses on the development of strategies for the dissemination and the wider visibility of the network through the scope it serves.

Glossary Theasurus Working Group (EMN GTWG)

The EMN Glossary on Asylum and Migration is one of the key products and key activities of the EMN. It is a multilingual and multidisciplinary glossary that includes about 500 core terms in the field of asylum and migration. For the purposes of its creation and continuous development, a specific Working Group has been implemented. Representatives from the National Contact Points are participating in the group which works on the development of the glossary through the precise definition of new terms affiliated to the field of migration and asylum, and the harmonization of the terms with other glossaries. Representatives from other European and international bodies, are also participating to the Working Group as the glossary remains a collective effort of developing a common understanding of terms, concepts and definitions and improves the comparability of asylum and migration terms between EU Member States and EU level. Yet the GTWG works on the development of different formats of the glossary via its online version, as an app and printed version.

International Cooperation Working Group (EMN IC WG)

The EMN International Cooperation Working Group was established in 2020. The working group focuses mainly on the development of guidelines for the cooperation with third countries. In collaboration with the European Commission, the group works on the preparations to welcome new member states as observers to the network.

MigraTalk Working Group

The EMN MigraTalk Working Group aims on reaching the wider public interested on migration and asylum topics, through the scheduling and coordination of roundtables. Discussions planned during the roundtables, facilitate the wider audience to understand critical issues and bring into discussion topics of interest and concern. The working group focuses on the conduct of roundtables for discussion and interaction with other stakeholders, professionals in the field, academics, NGO’s, migrant groups and the general public.